Follen Church is located at 755 Massachusetts Avenue in East Lexington, just near the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street.
From Boston & Cambridge:
Take Rt. 2 West from Alewife Circle.
Take Exit 56 (Sign reads: Rts. 4 & 225 – Lexington – Bedford)
At exit ramp, turn right onto Watertown St
Watertown St will merge with Pleasant St – follow directions below
From the North or South:
Take Rt. 128 North or South to Exit 29-A for Rt. 2 East. (Sign reads: Arlington/Cambridge)
Once on Rt. 2 East, proceed about 2 miles to Exit 55. (Sign reads: Pleasant St – Waltham & Lexington)
At exit ramp turn left onto Pleasant St, passing under Rt. 2.
After about 1/4 mile, stop at the STOP sign and then continue on Pleasant St (it has merged with Watertown St).
Once on Pleasant St:
Continue on Pleasant Street (you will pass Wilson Farms on your right) to the rotary
Turn left at rotary onto Massachusetts Avenue and slow down – Follen Church is immediately on your right – A small white octagonal church just after the branch library.
You may park:
In our parking lot across the street (Note: cross Massachusetts Avenue only at the crosswalk, using the light)
On Massachusetts Avenue or Follen Road (see map)
Along the driveway loop next to the church, and on either side or behind the Waldorf School
Reserved handicapped spaces are available beside the church.

Please enter the building at the lower level door off of the driveway at the side of the church. The ticket table will be just inside the door.
Concerts are scheduled to start at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:45pm. The concert is in our Sanctuary, one floor up and accessible by stairs or elevator.